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Our brain is our most complex and precious organ. This spongy and fragile structure is responsible for helping us conduct even the most basic life functions like breathing and seeing, not to mention processing emotion and storing our memories.
A traumatic injury to the brain can have many adverse effects on these life functions, some of which you might not even feel until long after the initial trauma. Injured Florida Law is here to ensure you get the legal representation you need if you have suffered a brain injury.
Common Causes for Brain Injuries
Brain injuries often result from sudden trauma to the head. When you are struck or are in a situation that causes you to snap your head back and forth very quickly, your brain is jostled back and forth in your skull. When the brain strikes the hard areas of your skull, it can cause bruising, bleeding, or a concussion.
These traumatic brain injuries can occur due to common accidents like:
- Motor vehicle collisions
- Bicycle accidents
- Slip and falls
- Contact sports
Can There be a Brain Injury Without a Traumatic Accident?
Yes. Acquired brain injuries occur when damage to the brain is caused by internal factors such as exposure to toxins or lack of oxygen. Common causes for acquired brain injuries include:
- Medical malpractice
- Drowning
- Birth complications
Understanding the Signs of Brain Injury
If you’ve been in an accident in which you struck your head, you might not realize you’ve been injured right away. It’s essential to look out for these signs of brain injury and get medical attention right away:
- Confusion
- Memory loss
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Sudden personality changes
- Nausea or vertigo
Are You Looking for Legal Representation for a Brain Injury Case in Florida?
Under Florida law, you are entitled to seek recourse if your brain injury resulted from negligence by another party. Injured Florida Law is here to provide the legal representation you need and ensure your injury does not lead to financial hardship. Call us today to learn more!