Our Practice Areas

Manufacturers and sellers have a legal obligation to provide their customers with products that are effective and safe to use without fear of injury. When these parties neglect their responsibilities, it can harm the very consumers they are supposed to serve. If a defective or otherwise unsafe product has injured you, the team at Injured Florida Law can help you hold the responsible parties liable.
What is Product Liability?
Product liability describes the legal responsibility of sellers, designers, and manufacturers to compensate consumers if their product causes damages or injuries. Although historically, product liability was understood through the lens of tangible property, the term has expanded to encompass intangible products or services like pets, real estate, and written documents.
Typical Product Liability Cases
Negligence on the part of a manufacturer can result in potentially catastrophic injuries and costly damages. These types of cases can range from medical to construction liability. We have the experience to handle the full spectrum of product liability cases, including:
- Asbestos
- Tobacco use
- Defective vehicles
- Defective children’s toys or cribs
- Defective medication
- Drywall and other construction materials
Why You Need a Product Liability Attorney
Whenever you face a major manufacturer in a defective product case, you are in for a complex situation. A professional attorney with experience in the field of product liability law will understand the process and what is necessary to conduct a case in this realm successfully. We’ll help you gather all the essential evidence, prepare you for litigation, and give you the best chance at reaching a successful resolution.
Are You Looking for a Product Liability Attorney in Florida?
If you or a loved one has suffered damages because of a defective product, construction, or drugs, we are here to help. Call the offices of Injured Florida Law today to schedule your consultation.